Sunday, 17 May 2015

Fulya: Formerly a Stream, Today's Health Center


Fulya means "daffodil" in Turkish. It took this name because it used to be full of daffodils and other flowers and trees. Today, its flora is unfortunately made up of skyscrapers. (But I will recommend you to visit there for following reasons.)

Fulya had formerly a stream. You'll notice the landscape as soon as you're there. There are slopes coming from Mecidiyekoy (Ortaklar Street), Nisantasi, Cevahir Mall, and Dikilitas (Ayazma Dere Street, meaning Ayazma Stream Street, obviously explanatory). Then they all unite and end up at Besiktas and Marmara Sea.

I worked at Fulya for more than two years. I walked to and from the office because there is no frequent public transportation and I couldn't afford taxi every day. You may ask "What the hell am I gonna do there?" My answer will be anything you want.

The streets to Fulya, though though, are actually nice to walk. Fulya is a prosperous neighbourhood and so are other neighbourhoods around. If you are planning to rent an apartment, beware of the high prices. There are also nice hotels especially on the street that connects Fulya with Nisantasi.

There are many private hospitals which has visitor even from abroad (for eye surgery, in vitro fertilisation, hair transportations, or cosmetic surgeries). Fulya is close to city center from different angels, offers good accomodation and health servises.

There isn't much to visit at Fulya, but if you walk for five to ten minutes, you'll reach the beautiful Ihlamur Pavilion. If you walk more towards Besiktas, you'll come to cosy Ihlamur neigbourhood where lots of university students reside.

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