Tuesday, 20 January 2015

From Genoese to Turkey: Galata Tower

Galata Tower is one of the oldest and one of the most fascinating artefacts in Istanbul. You should pay an entrance fee which in my opinion is a little bit more expensive than equivalent places (at least in Europe), but the view is worth it. Galata Tower gives you the chance to see a panoromic view of Istanbul. There is partly an elevator and partly stairs. It has a Romanesque style.

There is also a fun fact about the tower: When you climb it for the first time, be careful who you are climbing with, because s/he may be your future spouse. Believe it or not...

The view from a street of Galata.


There was an older tower that was closer to the sea, but the one standing today is relatively newer than that. The older tower was built by the Byzantines, and was destroyed by Latin crusaders in 1204. This Galata Tower was built by the Genoese at a nearby place. It was the biggest building of its time. But it didn't stay as it is. Actually it was looked after well, but it was probably unlucky. It was burned, rebuilt. The conical roof flew away with a storm, rebuilt.

Most of its history is interesting, but the most interesting moment is probably the moment Hezarfen Ahmet Celebi flew with his artificial wings from one continent to another (Galata to Uskudar) in circa 1630-1632. (His brother is Lagari Hasan Celebi, who is also an interesting historical figure.)

Where is Galata Tower?

It is very easy to go to the Galata Tower. You can use the Tunel from Karakoy and walk a couple of minutes. You can come from Taksim Squre on foot (recommended), by nostalgic tram (meh, just take photos of it), and the metro (the walk from underground to Sishane, preferable if the weather is bad). Walk straight from the Tunnel and keep looking for the first square. There stands the tower.

There used to be the youth sitting and chatting at the bottom of it, but the municipality didn't like the liveliness and instead, sold the area to a private tea house. However, you can see and hear "the rebels" sing and chat against all odds.

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